
Please follow the license when using the HaneulCity map.

HaneulCity map has its own license. This license applies only to the HaneulCity map, not to the Website.

1. Definition of Terms. ‘HaneulCity’ refers to the website and files on which this license is published. ‘Map’ refers to a file that can be used as ‘World’ in a game when decompressed in a game called Minecraft, and ‘Build’ is a word that refers to each batch of files distributed in the version management system of HaneulCity.

2. Retract of contribution. Contributors of the HaneulCity Map have their own right to the contributions they make and cannot be withdrawn once they have contributed. It is possible to remove the contributed building, but it is not possible to request a suspension for various builds that were released before the demolition, and you can’t remove when other contributors modified your contributions.

3. Permission to use Anyone who want to use HaneulCity map can use it freely without permission. This is the same for commercial use, but it may not be used with or without permission when:

  • using this map for acts that are illegal under the laws of the Republic of Korea
  • Modify and redistribute the map in a place where the source cannot be written

3-1. Even if the map is modified and redistributed in a place where the source cannot be written, it is possible to use the map without permission if the source is placed and distributed in a text file, including the README file within the compressed file containing the map. In this case, the text file should contain a full link to the HaneulCity website as it can contain a complete link, but it should not be encrypted.

3-2. In the case of redistribution after modification and simple redistribution before modification, the official website of the HaneulCity should be notified as the source so that users who receive the redistributed results can always access the original map. You do not need to copy the license on the official website of HaneulCity, but at least provide a link to access the license.

3-3. If you modify and distribute a map, you cannot use the same or similar name as the HaneulCity, and the similar name refers to the name of the map or project that includes the words ‘Haneul’ or ‘HaneulCity’.

4. Scope of use. The free use of the HaneulCity map includes the following examples. Download, modify, redistribute, quote, upload for contributions (pull-request), report, evaluate, broadcast and capture the contents of the map.

4-1. In the case of rights not specified in Article 4 can freely used to any extent other than those specified in Article 3.

5. Objection. In case of any form of problem, including defects and legal problems in the maps provided by the HaneulCity and its project, you can raise objections, and if the objection is accepted, you can correct them even if you are not the original contributors.

6. Solidarity responsibilities. The HaneulCity project is not responsible for problems with maps distributed in places other than the HaneulCity project page on the HaneulCity website and Github site. The person responsible for the correction or redistribution shall also be responsible for the modification or redistribution.

Addendum This license will take effect on March 8, 2020, and will apply the CC-BY 4.0 International license retrospectively to previously distributed maps.

Translations This License is based on Korean Version and it may have some mistranslations.